Okay, imagine this- I wake up early for the first day of school, hair is done, make up on ,and I even had time to clean up my apartment!! Me and one of my fellow JUCO buddies-Bellmon decide to walk to class together( I was nervous walking by myself.) Well he decided to leave 10 minutes before class starts, thats fine for him but for me I have to walk to the other side of campus!! So I'm quickly walking to class (I can't run or I will look like a freshman!!!) I barely make it in time!! I'm out of breath and sweaty, thank you Oklahoma Humidity!! My classes seem like a lot of fun and challenging.
Tuesday rolls around and I don't have to be at class till 12:30!!! Thank you Dr. Finch for making my schedule so pleasant!! Well coby and the boys decided to go to lunch!! I'm sure I will post lots of things about them!! I go thinking I know where my class is and we had lots of time. Lunch goes fine we even get out in a timely manner. Then disaster strikes....the roads are packed and it turns out to get to my building is like finding a penny in a hay bale!! Coby tries to get me there but I ended up just getting out and walking, well my building is kinda tricky to get to and I start to freak (I hate being late and then having to walk into class late....total freak out moment!!) After of 10 minutes of wondering around I decide to just head to the ag hall for my next class. However on my way, I run in Lacey..she's in on of my classes and I judged against her at JUCO. She knows where my building is and is headed there. 20 minutes late to class yay (way to make a first impression..right??!!!) next class is good and some what interesting...personal ag leadership!!! Then to my class that I've been waiting for..Livestock Judging Class Whoot Whoot!!! Turns out everyone wanted to take the class and go out for the team!!! We have about 30 kids in there, and me and my roommate have figured at least 20 kids going out for the team!! I'm up for the challenge and ready to get back to judging!!! The rest of the week goes by pretty easy and calm.
Friday is finally here and its college fest( country thunderish but with Reddirt Music)!! Me and Kaylee(my roommate from Wyoming!!) get dolled up and head out to the "Weed" ( local bar and dance hall). We meet up with fellow judgers and start having a blast listening to Stoney Larue!! Phillip gets drunk and we fall while dancing!!! Then me and ashley ( another fellow judger from Cali) go over to a group of boys who will be on our judging team to introduce ourselves so we could all get along and have a fun and successful team. Well Im not going to name names but we head over to the group and introduce ourselves and one of GF of the boys proceeds to look us up and down, and turns around and completely ignores us. Only on of the boys talked to us...thank you!! FYI even if your a F*** All-American Livestock Judger, doesn't mean your crap doesn't stink and you can be pleasant!! Sorry I know Im ranting a little bit, but it just bugs me how some people act.
I know some of you are wondering why Coby isn't mention very much...he is judging and preparing for American Royal and Lousiville...so that means he is super busy and pressure is starting to build up. Don't worry though, he will have lots of little quotes and moments that will have to be posted!!
Well now I'm just sitting in my room, and about to get ready to head to a wedding!! I'll try to post every few days!!
I'm glad you decided to blog! Hopefully yours is a little more interesting than your sisters. Just Kidding... Have fun at school!!